With Christmas just around the corner, the team here at Motoland thought we'd give you some ideas to make the festive season all the more better...

For the kiddies 

Motoland still have stock of Yamaha's range of kids dirt and fun bikes. Iconic units like the Raptor 50 and 90, TTR50 and 110, and of course the PW50 are still available just in time for 'Santa' to pick up (we won't tell). These units do tend to run out quick, so get in touch with our sales team pronto!

For the adults who still like to think they're kiddies 

Whether you're still relatively young (or a bit past your prime but mentally still in your glory days), we've got ya sorted. Any style of riding, any weather condition, any distance, any terrain, you're bound to walk out a happy customer (or with a rather long wishlist to send the other half) - come see us in store and we'll sort you out! 

For the touring pro 

Motoland are the proud stockists of Michellin Tyres, and nothing says 'I love you' more than a set of tyres right? Jokes aside, with technology that would make any touring pro drool, Michellin have the best range on the market for all touring styles and intensities, so get ya hands on some now! 

For the MX-obsessed

Ever since April of this year, we've stocked the world-class MX gear line of Alpinestars and Troy Lee Designs (TLD). Professional, trim, and long-wearing, Alpinestars and TLD will never fail you (and furthermore make you look like the hottest person at the track). Come and see for yourself today. 

For the casual Sunday rider

For the person that loves nothing more than a Sunday cruise every so often, come have a look at our range of REV-IT road gear. Fresh off the boat and brand-spankin-new, we're bound to carry something that will make you look like the coolest (and safest) chap at the pub on any given day. 

For the tech afficionado 

Motoland still have the Garmin navigation systems. Filled to the brim with all the latest high class tech that frankly only a genius would understand, these little guys are perfect for the person that loves to get lost (and then get themselves unlost thanks to the trusty Garmin). Have a smartphone to sort out all the navigation details for you? Then have a look at our Quad Lock range! 

Husqvarna Power Tools 

We stock the trusty range of Husqvarna power tools and mowers. Motoland are bound to have something for you regardless of how many months you've neglected your lawn for, so ask one of our team and we'll sort you out! 

Still stuck? 

Two words my friend; gift voucher. 

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